One of the biggest complaints when it comes to SmartPhones (especially the Apple iPhone) is that its battery life is very limited and has to be charged at least twice in a day if you use it extensively. One of the reasons why this is happening is due to the fact that these phones are getting slimmer by the day.
And so, here is a list of tips by which you can get a few more hours out of your iPhone:
#1: The iPhone has an ambient light sensor, which if set in automatic mode, adjusts the brightness of your phone to the amount of light that it is exposed to. This is one of the fastest ways by which you battery gets drained.
#2: Services such as GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth should be shut off if you aren’t using them as these are another way by which you can save battery life.
#3: Just like the aforementioned features, it is important to keep in mind that switching off your 3G connectivity will also save your battery as well, as this feature is available in every geographical location.
#4: Playing games, watching movies and surfing the internet are also big reasons why your battery can drain quickly, so try to limit that as much as possible.
#5: If you are still losing battery, another tip is to set the Auto lock feature to carry out its function in a shorter amount of time.