Have you ever been driving out on a desert road, and have no idea whatsoever where you are? Don’t worry. It happens to everyone, even to professional drivers. The only difference between them and you is that they have compasses and maps to rely on. Without any means to find the right direction, you might as well call it quits and wait for the desert to swallow you in desolation. That should never be the case though, and all you need to make sure you’re never lost is real time gps vehicle tracking.Also called satellite tracking, a gps system relies on a satellite that’s orbiting out in space around the Earth. The gps unit communicates with the satellite and then downloads the coordinates of your location. Thus you’re able to find where exactly you are on the globe. With such power, you’ll be able to get from anywhere to any place on the world, with no map or compass whatsoever. If you’re planning a road trip with the family, and you want to get there as quickly as possible without ever getting lost, you’ll need a gps.Believe it or not, transportation companies have been using fleet gps tracking systems to keep track of where their vehicles are. When it’s your business to transport people, goods and services to places, you’d better make sure you know exactly where they are and where they’re headed. Otherwise, be prepared to be accountable when your client gets into trouble once your driver turns tail and runs off with the merchandise.