What makes in hosting or colocation viable?

2Written by Rack Alley

Moving servers to the cloud or data centers and shutting down internal server rooms seems to be how and where most organizations are heading. However, outsourcing all server hosting Los Angeles resources may not actually be a good idea in some instances. It all depends on where the organization in particular gets its competitive advantage. Here are some examples of what makes server hosting Los Angeles internally viable:

Saas and technology companies whose technology is their competitive advantage will want to keep their servers in house. For example in house hosting is usually only done by larger companies that rely on revenue from those websites. This is because risks will arise and need to be mitigated and it is easier to identify when it is in house.

Hosting and Iaas companies that sell on the fact that their la web hosting is more reliable than the competition will also want to keep everything in house. Especially since they develop that infrastructure in order to maintain that advantage. Some or most of that advantage is in the software to hardware interaction which makes in house more attractive.

Companies that require very specific hardware resources will also find that they will need to remain in-house. Most providers will provide hardware that is specific to their own reliability and testing and that may or may not overlap with these hardware requirements.


Rack Alley provides premium colocation services perfect for small and enterprise customers at their Los Angeles data center .