If you’re planning to go back to college soon, then you can be sure that a laptop is more than handy in such circumstances.
However, there’s a big difference between getting just what you need or going over the top with your purchase, and which results in a complete waste of money.
So, here are 4 things to keep in mind when buying a laptop for college:
#1: Long battery life
Regardless of how well you plan your day, there will be days where you will have to stay on campus for long hours, and a low battery will hardly help in the process. Look at models with Intel’s fourth generation processors as they might cost a little more but will have long battery life.
#2: A keyboard that you can use easily
Make sure you get a keyboard that is big enough for you to type out your term paper and assignments while also being backlit so you can see it if in a dark room. No matter what you’re doing, whether browsing the web, doing homework, chatting on social media, the truth is that the keyboard is vital to your ease of use of the computer.
#3: Big screen for multitasking
Look for a 14 inch screen as it will accommodate a number of tasks such as chatting with your friends on Facebook, writing a term paper and even listening to music as well. A small screen will make it difficult to do all of them.
#4: Install security software
There are two types of security software: one that protects your computer from malware while the other protects your laptop when it is lost or stolen. Avast Free Antivirus, Microsoft Security Essential are effective antivirus software that you can download while LoJack, Hidden and GadgetTrack will help you recover your laptop.