Productivity can always be maximized, no matter much space you might have. For example, even if one has two monitors, there’s always the desire to get one more.
And since there are only so many monitors you can get, thanks to monetary constraints, there are other ways to maximize the space that is already at your disposal.
That said, here are 2 features that can help you do so, and are already built into Windows:
#1: Modern snap
The newest way to share desktop space in Windows 8 is Snap. This version is very different from the Windows 7 desktop snap which will let you display two modern apps or the desktop and a modern app simultaneously.
This version has improved dramatically in Windows 8.1 due to new sizing options since it first appeared in Windows 8.
All you have to do is move your pointer to the lower right corner of your screen to where the Start button is. Don’t click but move your cursor upward so that a sidebar open with all your current apps are displayed.
#2: Windows 7-Style Desktop Snap
Modern Snap might be useful if you want a number of apps open while you work but it won’t work if you want to view two desktop apps simultaneously. For this, you’ll have to use the desktop version of Snap.
Now let’s suppose you want both Google Chrome and Microsoft Word open on desktop. All you have to do is open Word and tap the Windows key + the left arrow so as to resize the program to take up the left half of your screen. For Chrome, all you have to do is tap Windows key + right arrow so as to move the browser to the right end of your screen.